Tuesday, 1 May 2007


This box was waiting for me when I returned home this afternoon. We have been waiting for this for ages - well since we moved in over two years ago really - as we are keen "recyclers" in our household. I hope everything we want to recycle fits in as it is only collected every two weeks as is our normal household waste. All paper, tins and glass can go in for recycling. Plastics will still have to be taken to Tesco!

1 comment:

Reflection Through The Seasons said...

Hi... I was pleased you stopped by and left a comment for me, its always good to meet a new blogger, particularly one that comes from N. Wales.

So you’ve only recently been issued with a recycling box, I’m surprised, I would have thought N. Wales would have been way ahead of us, a little village in southern Snowdonia. Anyway, its good news! We are avid recyclers too and were delighted last week to be issued with a ‘brown’ wheely bin for our garden waste. I do compost as much as I can, but there are always such things as the hedge clippings etc., that I don’t like to compost.

Gwynedd Council are introducing a collection of plastic in August, I’m so pleased about this, so many bottles these days are made of plastic. I’m still waiting for them to include cardboard tho’. We can dispose of clothes and shoes in our recycling box too which is handy. Keep up the good work. It is so important not to add to the dwindling land fill sites isn’t it. Marion